Special issue
Alessandra Falzone (Ed.)
Alessandra Falzone
Davide Bottari
Visual abilities in profound deafness:
a window into the mechanisms of multisensory perception
1. Cross-modal plasticity
1.1. Cross-modal plasticity, anatomical mechanisms
1.2. Cross-modal plasticity, functional changes
1.3. Cross-modal plasticity in deafness: effects on visual processing
2. Visual sensory thresholds
2.1. Spatial selectivity of enhanced visual abilities in the deaf
2.2. The role of attention orienting in enhanced visual
processing of the deaf
2.3. Enhanced processing of visual features that activate
the dorsal visual stream
3. Aim of the thesis
3.1. Outline of the four studies of the thesis
4. The change blindness studies
4.1. Enhanced reactivity in the profoundly deaf
4.2. Electrophysiological study of the reactivity advantage
5. Conclusions
6. References
Francesco Parisi
Photography and Cognitive Sciences
1. Introduction
2. The aesthetics of intersubjectivity
2.1. Neuroaesthetics
2.2. Empathy
2.3. A perfect combination
3. Social Ecology
3.1. The challenge of the social cognition 56 3.2. Social Cognition and Judgement
4. The photographic artfulness
4.1. Effective automatisms
4.2. Double automaticity
5. Conclusions
6. References
Gabriele Rigon
A quantitative approach to the study of syntactic evolution
1. Introduction
2. Language evolution in the parametric perspective
2.1 The parametric framework
2.2 Diachronic parametric variation
2.3. The Parametric comparison method
3. Quantitative Phylogenetic methods
3.1. Tree-graphs
3.2. Distance-based methods
4. The dataset
4.1. Parameters and languages
4.2. Coding of the parametric states
5. Quantitative analyses
5.1. Measuring distances
5.2. The choice of the phylogenetic methods 99
5.3. Inferring trees from full Table A
5.4. Selecting parameters
6. Conclusions
7. References
Michela C. Tacca
Intentionality and Structure of Visual Representations
1. Vision as a Non-Conceptual Representational System
2. Systematicity and the Binding Problem 120
3. The Binding Problem in Vision
4. Systematicity of Vision
4.1 Dynamic Binding
4.2 Second-Order Binding
5. Compositionality
5.1 Which Kind of Compositionality?
6. What is Different?
7. Conclusions
8. Acknowledgements
9. References